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Making the Grade - a guide to appearance grading UK-grown hardwood timber
  • Making the Grade - a guide to appearance grading UK-grown hardwood timber

    Making the Grade - 

    a guide to appearance grading UK grown hardwood timber

    Ivor Davies and Guy Watt, 2005 

    ISBN 1-904320-03-1

    297 x 210mm (A4) portrait; 48pp, soft cover

    £10-00 including CD-Rom


    UK grown hardwoods are a sustainable choice as a result of high standards of woodland management combined with the relatively short distances involved in transporting the timber  from the forest to the customer. Making the Grade aims to encourage greater use of UK grown hardwoods and provides information on the range of quality available from the country’s sawn hardwood timber as well as highlighting the particular features of UK grown hardwoods that are often difficult to find in imported material. Although not generally available in large volumes, UK hardwoods can be very decorative, with a range of species and characteristics to choose from. Suppliers can add to this distinctiveness by being able to source timber from a local area or by assisting customers to select boards suitable for specific jobs. The publication contains detailed information on timber measurement, the properties and uses of UK grown hardwoods and an illustrated technical glossary and is accompanied with a CD-Rom designed to facilitate ease of comparison between species and grades.

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